Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Outside Improvements.

A long time since I posted on this blog, so time for a quick photo update I guess.

Firstly, the small garden has been tidied up. It has been leveled and divided into two elevations: the top has been shingled and a tiled footpath has been laid, whereas the lower level will be all tiles.

Snow white shingle and stepping stones laid.

The lower level still needs finishing off!

The building has had a fresh coat of paint and is now a crisp white with a pink border. It took the painter quite a few attempts of 'cutting-in' to meet DH's exacting standards; not sure if he will ever want to decorate for another European again!

The entrance is clean and fresh (and almost finished).
Clean and bright compared to the gloomy yellow and grey that it was before.

DH, like most men, wanted a larger garden shed to store his tools and other stuff. Here in Costa Rica, sheds/storerooms are called bodega's. Our bodega is built into the wall underneath the casita's terrace, so it made sense to extend it. As a result, the terrace grew too!

Rubble everywhere

The bodega being made larger.

Neat and tidy - well it has only just been built!
New metal steps up to the terrace.

A bigger terrace for relaxing (and a peep of the bodega below!).

All of the metal that surrounds the terrace and entrance has been recycled from other areas in our plot - much of it was decorative and served no purpose whatsoever, so we just moved it to where it was actually needed. The steps up to the terrace have been welded specially though; unlike the UK, the welder spent most of the time with his welding mask perched atop his head and just used his sunglasses as safety goggles!

Of course lots of boring stuff has been going on too, like electrics and wiring (I don't think photos make that task any less dull so I won't bore you with them!!). We have also had to tile the roof as it was just metal - we may have to wait a few months to see if it is water-tight though!

New tiled roof.